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 Ziare si Magazine Romanesti

 Ziare si magazine straine

 1900 de Ziare Internationale

 Publicatii Stiintifice Romanesti

Prima pagina : Ziare si Magazine Romanesti : Statistica : Abonament Revista romana de statistica 2025

Detalii produs
Denumire produs Abonament Revista romana de statistica 2025
Numar aparitii/an 4
Periodicitate trimestriala
Pret pe 12 luni * 240.00 RON

Abonament Revista romana de statistica 2023 . abonamente la ziare si reviste MANPRES

The Romanian Statistical Review, issued by the National Institute of Statistics, is the only specialised statistical publication in the field of statistical theory and practice in Romania. The articles published are addressed to the scientists, researchers and statistical data and information users interested in broadening and deepening their horizon of knowledge by acquiring specialised notions and coming into contact with new papers and reference studies they can later apply in their own field. Through the presentation of papers that are scientific in nature and that promote statistical culture, the Review aims to be a favourable space for exchange of ideas and a challenge at the same time. Any study or opinion that can contribute to the development of the degree understanding statistics as a science is welcome.


Seria statistica...
Pret pe12 luni: 120 RON

Pret pe12 luni: 205 RON

Pret pe12 luni: 90 RON

Pret pe12 luni: 60 RON

Pret pe12 luni: 110 RON

Pret pe12 luni: 70 RON

Pret pe12 luni: 490 RON

Buletin statistic...
Pret pe12 luni: 910 RON

Buletin statistic...
Pret pe12 luni: 670 RON

Abonament Revista...
Pret pe12 luni: 240 RON

Buletin statistic...
Pret pe12 luni: 650 RON

Starea sociala si...
Pret pe12 luni: 120 RON

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